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Actai. Tribal Through Technology


  • Stand for something greater than yourself
  • Leave every person or place you touch, better off than before you touched it
  • Use the powers the universe has granted you, to empower others and spread the message

ACTAI Global is a group of extraordinary entrepreneurs, innovators, athletes, artists, techies and thought leaders supporting causes around the world.

Speaking at MaiTai Hamptons 2016 and Actai NYC 2017 was mind-blowing and inspiring. It was an honor to share my story, my thoughts with extraordinary entrepreneurs, innovators, athletes, artists, tech heads and thought leaders.

I spoke about the little girl who dreamt of winning the Olympic Gold Medal and all the setbacks and challenges I faced. I spoke about finding the balance between continuity, flexibility and creativity. If you want to succeed, you need your start-up mentality. Knowing that I have this base of continuity gives me the freedom to sink into it with flexibility. And this freedom makes me creative.

It’s about having a dream and making the commitment to hold yourself accountable, no matter what happens. You will fail and fall sometimes. With every failure, that’s a step towards growth, towards your success. And this journey of growth is sweet. It’s always worth it to give it your all, no matter the outcome. Why? Because you are leaving your comfort zone. It is a decision that you get to make.

Your commitment. Simple.

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